The Rasch family is here for the week and they no more than got unpacked before hitting the trails this evening. The Phillips group was here last week and those gentlemen rode more than a thousand miles in five days!

Life in the beautiful Upper Peninsula----cabin rentals and sharing our home with people from all over the world! Life is different every day and adventure lies just around every corner.
Isn't it just cute?
We're gearing up for the snow season now and there's a big fluffy deluge from the sky as I write this. I cannot photograph it as it is too dark already (4:49pm)!
I have my mind on some BBQ this weekend..smoking some homemade sausage wrapped in bacon. Sure sounds good....
We're perfecting the cinnamon rolls and this last batch was some of the nicest we've made; huge and gooey and beautiful even before the addition of icing. A cinnamon roll this good can only make the day better!
In fishing news: the bite is on! Summer action on the lakes has been really good. This smallmouth bass was 23" long and caught last week on a little black/green rubber worm.
This was Jeff's first smallmouth and it was a fat little four or five pounder.
This was his second one:He always catches way more than I do!