My apologies to everyone who uses this blog to stay in touch with the happenings in the north woods---I've been so busy! Our summer is just flying by....I bet you are saying the same thing. It seems that winter is breathing down my back, every day inching closer and I have so much to do before it gets here!
The little fella in this picture is a porcupine. He tried to eat one of the cabins last week. We were sitting out by the evening fire, enjoying the stars and the peaceful night when we heard a very loud scraping noise.

My brother was visiting, and he was the brave one to investigate the
noise. Armed with a flashlight and a garden hoe, he walked off into the darkness very slowly and then seconds later, came crashing back yelling "It's bigger than a cat and it's eating the house!" Did I mention my brother is a city-boy born and raised? I knew right away it had to be a
porkie, although I'd never seen one before. The people around the campfire erupted out of their seats and ran to see the
porkie who was casually sniffing around the screen door and testing it's sturdiness a bit with his claws. We shot a video of him wandering around and eventuall he grew tired of his celebrity and walked off into the forest.

This little guy was my birthday present! Although he wasn't meant to be a bird feeder, I couldn't resist adding some sunflower seeds to his flat little head. Adorable!