I've been up to my ears in work this week preparing for the holiday weekend and organizing the office paperwork (thanks to Abbey). She's spending summer break being my "right hand man" here at camp.
We've had nothing but rain this week and it offered us the opportunity to catch up on office duties that would otherwise get pushed aside for more seasonal chores; soaking up the lovely UP sunshine, planting flowers, watching the birds feed their nestlings--important stuff!
The weather has been amazing; down as low as 38F two nights ago! We've gotten rain every day since Sunday and I do believe that when it warms up, we're in for another big push of mosquitoes. They're hearty little fellows here and even at forty degrees the other night they were bouncing against our jackets and making a nuisance of themselves. So when the temperatures hit 60-70 this weekend, we'll be drowning ourselves in bug spray again to ward off the new wave of Yooper mosquitoes, eh?
We had some terrific guests in the last two weeks and yes, I know I say that all the time. I sound like a broken record, but darn it...it's true: our camp must get all the good guests. For every bad experience here at camp (there's been a few doozies) we've had a hundred good ones and our guests are world-class people; kind, generous, friendly and outgoing folks. Hi Sue Dominic! Mary Meyers! Nancy and Brian Bowers! Amy and Pam--we love you all!

For anyone who hasn't seen Pictured Rocks I say "My gosh! Why not? It's some of the most beautiful land in America".
Have a wonderful Thursday everyone...