So much to do! I have a fifty pound bag of apples just waiting to be peeled and put up; either frozen or canned. There are six Christmas trees in the barn to haul out of storage and distribute to the cabins. Then all the every day activities on top of that.
We're on Facebook now and I've spent a couple days getting that in order...adding pictures and sending messages to former guests who are like old friends. Then there's the blog, and a Twitter account, and answering the phones and 2 email accounts...I'm a busy girl!
We made some reindeer over the long weekend:

Isn't it just cute?
We're gearing up for the snow season now and there's a big fluffy deluge from the sky as I write this. I cannot photograph it as it is too dark already (4:49pm)!
I have my mind on some BBQ this weekend..smoking some homemade sausage wrapped in bacon. Sure sounds good....