This little guy is blooming his heart out right now. Gosh I'm so glad that everything is FINALLY turning green. Our growing season is so short, but that's the price we pay for living in an area that's so beautiful!
Today dawned sunny and cool. I'm hoping it warms up a bit so that I can comfortably work outside (meaning shorts and no shoes). Somehow I don't think I'll be that lucky....

Emily came up with a great recipe for chocolate chip cookies last night--they're a little different than a traditional CCC; a lighter color and a little more fluffy than I'm used to making, but very good and just lightly sweet...they're very good with coffee. Emily is baking for the Falling Rock Cafe
http://www.fallingrockcafe.com/ in Munising and I highly recommend stopping there to say hello, sample her baked goods and enjoy a cup of coffee.
There are so many birds coming to the feeders right now; flocks of finches, woodpeckers, chickadees and siskins. We rarely get blue jays now that the weather has changed---they've gone back into the forest and I changed the composition of my feed to very little corn as a result. The suet is still really popular and I've switched to a suet that won't spoil in warm weather. Jeff saw a couple wild turkey up the road yesterday but I've yet to coax them to my feeders.