Jeff is home and he brought plants from downstate; I have pink daisies to plant and they have a very sweet story:
Back in Ohio there's a senior center that hosts a plant sale every year. The folks who utilize the center dig up plants from their yard and bring them in to sell and the money earned goes toward programs at the center.
There is a lovely lady there (old enough to be my grandma) who brings in these gorgeous daisy plants every year. Last year she took me by the sleeve, led me to her little display of plants and told me they had been handed down from her mother, to her! How could I resist 2nd generation plants?? I couldn't! I love all green things and I especially love green things with a story.
Anyhoo--I have daisies to plant and some other little things including a clematis from Jeff's sister, Julie. Being in the UP offers a new challenge for me----my green thumb needs a glove! It's easily a month behind Ohio in the growing season----we're JUST getting tulips and daffodils!