Autumn has gone by in a rush; the leaves have gone from blazing yellow and red on the branch to a whirlwind of crinkling brown at my feet. I've slacked a little on the raking and it's time to play catch up and get it done! We're forecast for two inches of snow tomorrow--a mere hint of what's to come.
The blue jays have come back to the feeders in a loud, raucous bunch--their calls alert me whenever the feeders are empty. There was a chipmunk on the porch whose cheeks were chock-full of birdseed yesterday; since they semi-hibernate I'd guess he was headed back to his den to unload his little face and head back for more.
All in all--it's a good start to the cold season and everything that goes along with it.
The dogs are fuzzing back up for winter and General is in the lead--he's really fluffing out. If dogs are like caterpillars, we may be in for a long winter based on Gen's coat.
Shotgun season is in a couple of weeks and I'm looking forward to having all the guys here; planning a chili contest and getting recipes picked out to bake. We'll also have some great smoked ribs, and pulled pork .
All in all--it's a good start to the cold season and everything that goes along with it.