Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I just noticed this morning that it's light enough to see at five thirty in the morning here; mostly noteable because it doesn't get full dark until about nine thirty every evening! Funny how things just creep up on you and get accepted as "normal".... That's a whole lotta hours of daylight folks! No wonder we're tired at night---

Most of our Memorial Day guests have headed home and as always---we had some real nice folks stay with us. The Dominics were here and were such nice people. I loved Sue Dominic---such a nice woman! We also had Kim, Carey and their pup Indy (or as I called him: IndyAndy). Again, just the nicest people! I got a pic of Indy (see above) and his people (since I didn't ask if I could post the family's pic, I'll just post Indy...he won't mind!).