Anyone who has stayed at our camp knows that Abbey and I have a soft spot for dogs--we fawn over all of them. This lucky guy is Curbie and he brought his family, the Thorsen's, to Kemosabe for a vacation a couple weeks ago. Curbie is a rescue and an all around great pup!

Folks who have stayed at Kemosabe this spring/summer have more than likely been welcomed at the door by Moo, our office mascot. She just got this cozy little bed for the upcoming snow season and she's breaking it in.
Overall things have been going really well and it's been a great summer--we've have many wonderful families stay with us and we've enjoyed their company so much. The Koscis and Mazur families were here for a week and Cristyn Koscis graciously volunteered to make journals for each cabin. Thanks Cristyn!

These folks are the Thiel family--guests who have stayed multiple times and love the UP as much as we do.
We're perfecting the cinnamon rolls and this last batch was some of the nicest we've made; huge and gooey and beautiful even before the addition of icing. A cinnamon roll this good can only make the day better!
In fishing news: the bite is on! Summer action on the lakes has been really good. This smallmouth bass was 23" long and caught last week on a little black/green rubber worm.

These lucky gentlemen hooked some nice bass and pike. Walleye are being caught regularly too.

I have to post something from the garden as well---not nearly as exciting as the fishing pics, but still beautiful.